North Anthony Area Association Officers

Current Officers & Board of Directors

Officers Officers are elected by the Board of Directors to annual terms, and also serve on the Board of Directors if they were not already so elected by the membership. Our current officers are: President Joseph R. Giant Vice-President Joseph P. Brennan Secretary (vacant) Treasurer Sarah Beiswanger Board of Directors The Board of Directors is elected by the membership to annual terms; it also includes the immediate past president of the association, and any officers elected by the board who were not already directors. [Read More]


1. NAME. 2. MEMBERSHIP. 3. MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. 4. OFFICERS. 5. DIRECTORS 6. ELECTIONS 7. ALTERATION. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and by an affirmative vote of the members of the North Anthony Area Associaton, Inc., the following by-laws are adopted for the purposes of providing for an orderly, appropriate, and continuous manner of carry on business of the corporation. 1. NAME. The name of the corporation is and shall be the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. [Read More]