North Anthony Area Association Minutes

Table of Contents

Monday, July 22, 2024 NAAA Meeting Minutes

  1. May meeting’s minutes were unanimously approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Bank balance: $9,251.98 2. Upcoming payments: $1500 for association logo
  3. Old business
    1. A vote was held, and the following bylaw changes were unanimously adopted:
      1. Membership dues shall be $20 a year
      2. In accordance with state law, the minimum number of board members shall be three (3)
      3. Robert’s Rules shall be the official parliamentary procedure
    2. Status of stop signs on Cody and Kensington – secretary Sarah Beiswanger will be sending out postcards to those affected to try to reach the minimum of signatures needed on a petition started last summer by former president Joe Giant
    3. Mural: Local artist Mitchell Egly and the Oh Five Scoop Shop are gathering information to request a façade grant from the city; NAAA was asked to contribute financially, but the board requested to table this issue until the next meeting because a number of expenses have already been planned, and no dues money has come in yet
    4. Rebranding of NAAA – logo creation by Mitchell Egly in progress; will aim to have an unveiling this fall
    5. We will set up a form on the website to gather email addresses in the move toward sending out an email newsletter
  4. New business
    1. Advise all members to email traffic-related questions to Cheryl at
    2. Promote the FWPD number for non-emergency related issues: 260-427-1222
    3. Insurance quotes: $2919 for general liability, $1331 for directors and officers insurance, and $660 for umbrella
    4. This was deemed to be too expensive to purchase at this time
    5. A discussion was had about the pros and cons of sending out a printed newsletter 1. Although many more people can be reached this way, it is expensive 2. The board suggested trying to get sponsors to defray the costs 3. There will be at least one printed newsletter this year, hopefully to be published in August
    6. Neighborhood appreciation party 1. Scheduled for Sunday, September 29 at Lakeside Park Pavilion #1 2. Members voted to approve up to $1200 for this event 3. A committee led by Sarah Beiswanger is working on the details, including entertainment, food, merchandise sales, and drawings
    7. Walking tour 1. In conjunction with the Allen County Public Library and the Indiana Genealogical Society 2. Will be held on Saturday, October 12 from 10:30 am-12:00 pm 3. We need 8-10 homes for the tour! Homes have to be on Kensington Blvd between Lake and State 4. Sponsors are welcome 5. We will also need a few volunteers to help organize the event; contact Mike Vorndran at
    8. Plans to have someone from Holy Cross to come to a future meeting to give a talk about their long term plans
    9. With a unanimous vote, Maureen Maple was added as a board member
  5. Good of the order
    1. President Joe Brennan presented information about Flock Safety, a company that provides cameras and other electronic devices
    2. Suggestion to promote city ordinances related to leaving yard waste in the boulevard or near the street
    3. One member suggested we start promoting positive stories or contests, such as a yard of the month or a sending a welcome package to new neighbors
    4. A dumpster day will be scheduled for late summer or fall
  6. Next meeting will be September 23

Monday, March 25, 2024 NAAA Meeting Minutes

Sarah Beiswanger, Secretary