Table of Contents
Monday, March 25, 2024 Meeting Minutes
- Approval of January meeting’s minutes
- Old business
- Status of stop signs on Cody and Kensington?Joe G. will update for next meeting
- Mural
- Mitchell Egly will put together a quote and bring it to the next meeting
- NAAA board will work on a plan for funding (such as approaching the city or Parkview or other neighborhood businesses) after we get a quote from Mitchell
- Email newsletter - should come out this summer
- Checker/chess table is up and ready for play - Sarah will look into getting checkers and chess pieces
- Replacement of sidewalks on southwest corner of Anthony and Lake is happening soon
- New business
- Branding by Mitchell Egly
- He could redo the NAAA logo as well as the map '
- The board will provide specs and a budget to Mitchell within a month
- Get input of neighbors for final choice (maybe at a booth during the garage sale weekend)
- Dues? When are we doing these this year?
- Garage sale - when is this? Can we pay for an ad in the paper?
- Start thinking about a neighborhood event for this year
- Kids dart drive smart signs are of interest - keep on the agenda for next time
- Maureen and Joe B. will work together to link social media sites
- Visions Event Center - what type of zoning does that building have? Is the current use compatible with that zoning?
- Sarah will get a contact from Concordia to come to a future meeting to give a talk about their long term plans
- Branding by Mitchell Egly
- NAAA board elections in May
- Next meeting will be May 20 (the 27th is Memorial Day)
- Meeting adjourned shortly after 8PM
- Approved Monday, May 20
Sarah Beiswanger, Secretary
Monday, November 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes
North Anthony Area Association Regular Meeting Minutes, Held at Oh Five Scoop Shop, 1937 E State Blvd, 7:00 p.m. May 22, 2023
- Call to order
- Attendees:
- Joseph Giant (President)
- Joseph Brennan (Vice-President)
- Sarah Beiswanger (Treasurer)
- Kathleen Jones (Secretary [pro tempore])
- Nick Miller
- Molly Jordan
- Don Haus
- Maggie Haus
- Peggy MCarty (Board Member)
- Sandy Brandt
- Attendees:
- Approval of minutes
- Minutes from previous meeting approved pending confirmation of point raised by Brennan
- Brennan seeks confirmation from prior guest as to what speed triggers enforcement action by Fort Wayne Police department
- Kathleen Jones volunteered to act as secretary and take minutes for the meeting
- Minutes from previous meeting approved pending confirmation of point raised by Brennan
- Treasurer’s Report
- Beginning Balance: $7,315
- Ending balance (Does not include Food & Wine Party) $7,300
- Revenue from Food & Wine Party (Pending, Approximate) $4,100
- Expected Balance for December: ~ $11,000
- Review of minutes
- Annual Beer-Wine Party
- Very successful, participants thanked
- Christmas party
- Donations covered all the gifts, along w/Assoc donation (150$)
- Bike for older brother
- Play kitchen for younger child
- Possible bike for middle child; father [presumably Don Haus] is putting bike together & will deliver
- Peggy assisting with wrapping.
- Facebook fundraiser raised an additional $200 for bicycle and gift card, in addition to a Walmart gift card and clothing
- Volunteers equested photos of gifts to post on Assoc website
- Photos of some of the gifts have already been posted for benefit of those who donated.
- Previous meeting celebrated small wins
- Digital speed tracker was deployed
- Maumee River Dam
- Challenge—Complex due to number of depts involve
- City engineer stated city utilities is responsible—challenge is the dam is functional even though an eyesore in comparison to other City Utilities priorities.
- Approx 10-15k cost to improve.
- Options to manage dam:
- Association could use community dev money, fundraiser money, grant money and City U sees , and see if City Utilities *History of dam
- Has THE dam ever been cleaned?
- Historically if dam is creating a danger, city. Has cleaned it up.
- Next steps
- Check grant timeline and discuss with city contacts
- Contact Coumcilman Jehl
- Contact one of the Dean’s at Indiana Tech – dam affects them, too
- Next meeting-develop project scope
- Challenge—Complex due to number of depts involve
- Historic Northeast Steering Committee
- Outstanding item—Awaiting plan resulting from the Engagement Survey (see handout)
- Strategies listed are very general. Recommend specific action items-ie
- Major issues
- Crossing busy intersections
- Neighbors continue to complain about speeding, misuse of parking lanes, etc.
- Multi-family residential building being built on E. State
- What are repercussions?
- What can the neighborhood association do if members are opposed? *Survey is to be utilized in long range plans for community
- Over 600 respondents
- East State Village
- Heavy traffic
- Speed of traffic
- Safety for pedestrians
- Bike lanes vs traffic.
- Grocery store in light of increased number of residents. Recommend identifying what community desires in a grocery store 2). Address “the dam"
- Crossing busy intersections
- Project updates
- Cody Ave – Kensiington Game Table
- Three benches and a table have been installed
- Handicap-accessible
- All-stone construction
- Three benches and a table have been installed
- Lake/Anthony intersection—funding approved to replace sidewalks to Crescent.
- Joe G. spoke with owner
- Funding includes replacement of patio and trees
- Likely completed in spring of 2024.
- Cody Ave – Kensiington Game Table
- Goals for 2024
- Boost meeting attendance
- Expand current number of signs
- Currently there are ~7 usable signs
- It was resolved to purchase 8 more at cost of 22$/sign
- Priority will be given to placement at highly visible locations like intersections to encourage attendance
*Other ideas:
- Consider merger with a smaller association e.g. Forest Park, or a joint meeting to share idea
- Invite speakers on viability of a grocery store
- Hold more events, such as a free block party
- Create subcommittee for projects to encourage greater involvement by members
- Expand current number of signs
- Boost meeting attendance
- Open discussion
- Kudos to Kristen Giant for a successful fundraiser
- Proposals
- Create an office of social media and/or event planner, perhaps subordinate to the secretary role
- Invite owner of North Anthony Shopping Center near Concordia to find out their plans
- John Bowen, President of Parkview Regional Medical Center, on future of Parkview Randallia campus, was suggested as a guest speaker
- Meeting frequency could be changed to meet more or less often Bimonthly recommended; quarterly only if board meets more often * Board needs to meet more frequently * No motions made: current bimonthly meeting schedule maintained
- Further update from the President:
- Signature requirement for 4 way stop 85% completed
- Meeting adjourned 8:07pm
Sarah Beiswanger, Secretary
- Approved Monday, January 22, from notes, with corrigenda and addenda by members viva voce
Monday, May 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes
North Anthony Area Association Regular Meeting Minutes, Held at Oh Five Scoop Shop, 1937 E State Blvd, 7:00 p.m. May 22, 2023
- In attendance: Neil Miller, Joe Brennan, Peggy McCarty, Kathy Jones, Nick Miller, Melissa Rinehart, Dennis Przybyla, Kevin Piekarski, Todd Jordan, Molly Jordan, Joe Giant, Josh Campbell, Kristin Guthrie
- Interim President Joe Giant called the meeting to order shortly after 7pm.
- Minutes from March 27th Regular Meeting were approved unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report: Balance of $7,046. Mr. Giant noted that some expenditures were upcoming, including pillar insurance and printing/distribution of newsletters.
- Kristen Guthrie from Visit Fort Wayne spoke on Fort Wayne tourism.
- Fort Wayne hosts over 7,000,000 visitors per year, bringing in over $800,000,000 per year.
- The group discussed key factors driving tourism in Fort Wayne, as well as VisitFW’s tourism master plan survey which will gather information on the status of tourism in Fort Wayne and where resources should be allocated to improve that status.
- Joe Giant, interim president, proposed a general election of Neighborhood Board of Directors. All members in attendance at the meeting paid dues at the meeting to ensure membership status as “active”. By unanimous vote, Joe Giant, Joe Brennan, Neil Miller, Peggy McCarty, and Kathy Jones were elected to the NAAA Board of Directors.
- Joe Giant proposed an election of officers. 5 Board Members were present. The Board elected Joe Giant as President (5 votes), Joe Brennan as Vice President (5 votes), and Neil Miller as Secretary (5 votes)
- A drafted amendment to the Neighborhood Association Bylaws was presented for consideration.
- Neighborhood Improvement Grant Update: The NAAA was awarded a $4,800 grant for chess table infrastructure.
- The FW Parks and Recreation Dept has agreed to maintain the installed unit and provided a metal and cement option for consideration. Members voted and a cement table option was chosen.
- Location will be decided based on current utility presence and ADA Accessibility.
- Kensington and Cody is agreed as the preferred location.
- Table and benches to be installed by November
- Food & Wine (& Beer) Party Update. Mr. Giant made a call for volunteers. The event is tentatively scheduled for Sep 23rd, subject to change (editor’s note – the event has been rescheduled to Sept. 30).
- Josh Campbell provided Community Development Update: The Active Transportation Survey for the Active Transportation Plan is now closed. The Historic Northeast Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee meeting discussed areas of focus and goals for the plan, which is underway. Lake and Anthony mentioned as a possible area for consideration
- Garage Sale weekend: June 16th and 17th.
- Dumpster Day scheduled for June 24th.
- Stop Sign at Kensington/Cody update – still collecting signatures
- Newsletter will be sent in the next couple weeks. It will include a call for dues and a way to pay them electronically.
- General Membership notes:
- City Utilities offering lateral line lead testing – contact 311 for more information
- Neighbors should feel encouraged to leave porch lights on at night to help with neighborhood appeal, security, etc.
Neil Miller, Secretary Approved 24-July 2023