Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and by an affirmative vote of the members of the North Anthony Area Associaton, Inc., the following by-laws are adopted for the purposes of providing for an orderly, appropriate, and continuous manner of carry on business of the corporation.

1. NAME.

The name of the corporation is and shall be the North Anthony Area Association, Inc.


The membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. shall consist of each household within its geographic limit paying the required membership dues.

Each household within the geographic limits of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. which is interested in the purposes of the corporation and desiring to become a member of the corporation shall pay to the Treasurer of the corporation an annual assessment of Twenty Dollars ($20.00). Upon the payment of this assessment, each household shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in the North Anthony Area Association, Inc.


Meetings of the membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. shall be held on a general and/or special basis.

General meetings of the membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. shall be held twice per calendar year. There shall be one (1) meeting in the spring of the year held prior to June of each calendar year. There shall be one (1) meeting in the fall of the year held prior to December of each calendar year. Each general meeting of the membership shall be for the purpose of discussing and conducting any and all business to be brought before the meeting as well as any and all other business specified herein to be carried on at such meeting.

Each general meeting of the membership shall be called with no less than two (2) weeks notice to the membership. Each such notice shall be delivered to each member household by mail, delivery, or other mans calculated to provide notice of each such meeting. The notices provided for herein shall disclose the date, time, place, and general purpose of each such meeting.

A special meeting of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. may be called by presenting to the Board of Directors of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. a petition signed by ten (10) membership households requesting that a special meeting of the membership be held. Upon receipt of any such petition and verification of the membership status of the signatories thereof, the Board of Directors shall call a special meeting of the membership upon no less than two (2) weeks notice of such meeting. The notice issued for any such special meeting shall conform to the notice required herein for a general membership meeting.

For the purposes of conducting any and all business coming before a general or special meeting of the membership, the presence of five (5) or more adult members of a membership household shall constitute a quorum.


The officers of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. shall consist of:

President, who shall be in charge of the daily business carried on by the corporation. He shall also be responsible for the proper and orderly running of any and all general meetings of the membership of the corporation. It shall also be the duty of the President to preside over any and all meetings of the Board of Directors of the corporation.

Vice President, who shall be responsible for assisting the President in the full, proper, and complete fulfillment of his duties. Additionally, he shall be responsible for the fulfillment of any and all duties of the President in the event that the President is incapable or unavailable for the performance of such duties.

Secretary, who shall keep the minutes of any and all general or special meetings of the membership of the corporation. The secretary shall also be charged with the keeping of the minutes of any and all meetings of the Board of Directors. Further, the Secretary shall have the responsibility of completing any and all correspondence required in the carrying on of the business of the corporation.

Treasurer, who shall be responsible for the collection of any and all membership dues payable to the corporation. The Treasurer shall further be responsible for the accounting, monitoring, reporting, disbursing, and obtaining of payments due to or form the corporation.

In addition to any and all duties provided for the officers of the corporation, each officer shall be required to attend any and all meetings of the Board of Directors of the corporation.

The officers of the corporation shall be elected by the members of the Board of Directors of the corporation by a simple majority vote. The term of each officer so elected by the members of the Board of Directors shall be for one (1) year commencing June 1st in the year of election and terminating May 31st in the year following election. Any vacancy which may arise in the office of any officer of the corporation shall be filled by an election at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. Any such vacancy shall be filled by an election, by a simple majority vote, for the remainder of the term of the vacated office.


The Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of no less than three (3) members elected by the membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. and the immediate past President of the corporation.

It shall be the responsibility of each and every member of the Board of Directors to be present at any and all meetings of the Board of Directors. In the event that any member of the Board of Directors shall be absent from (3) consecutive meetings, that director shall be deemed to have resigned and thereafter cease to be a member of the Board of Directors. Any such vacancy upon the Board of Directors created by any resignation of a member thereof shall be filled by an election held at a general or special meeting of the membership as provided for herein.

Any and all business carried on by the Board of Directors of the corporation shall be accomplished by a simple majority vote. For the purpose of any and all votes taken by the Board of Directors, each officer of the corporation shall be entitled to vote on such question in the same manner as any member of the Board of Directors, the presence of no less three (3) elected members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Each member of the Board of Directors shall be elected for the approximate term of one (1) year. The term of each member of the Board of Directors shall commence upon election as provided for herein and shall terminate upon the election of the members of the Board of Directors for the next succeeding year.


Any and all elections or votes undertaken by the membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. shall be by a simple majority vote. Each adult member of a membership household actually present at any general or special meeting shall have the right to vote upon any question on election brought before the meeting.

The membership of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. during the meeting provided for herein in the spring of each calendar year.

Each Board of Directors as provided for herein shall have the duty and responsibility of electing the officers of the corporation as provided for herein. It is the duty of each such Board of Directors to meet as soon as practical after their election for the purpose of electing such officers and transaction any and all other business coming before it.


The By-Laws of the North Anthony Area Association, Inc. as contained herein shall be subject to amendment, alteration, repeal or other modification at any regular or special meeting of the membership of the corporation. Any such amendment, alteration, repeal or other modification shall be accomplished by the presentation of such amendment, alteration, repeal, or other modification to the meeting. Upon a simple majority vote, the amendment, alteration, repeal, or other modification shall be adopted or rejected as such vote indicates.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt. RONR (12th ed.) 2:15, 56:49,56:66

These By-Laws are hereby adopted by the North Anthony Area Association, this 22nd day of July, 2024.

Joseph P. Brennan


Attested to this 22 day of July, 2024

Sarah Beiswanger
